
Prostavor is a dietary supplement that was formulated to utilize the synergistic benefits of many nutritional supplements that have been shown to improve prostate health and support urinary function. INGREDIENTS Beta Sitosterol/Saw Palmetto (Proprietary Blend) 300mg Zinc 10mg Selenium AAC 0.2% 10mg Vitamin D3 250iu Vitamin E 10mg Stinging Nettle (powder) 25mg Vitamin B6 […]
Menopil Plus

What is Menopause? Menopause is a period which all women will go through during their lifetime. Women will encounter menopause during their late forties and fifties. Some women will go through menopause period sooner and longer than others. Clinically, menopause is diagnosed in women who have not menstruated in more than 12 months. What […]
Conceive Plus Fertility-Friendly Lubricant

Conceive Plus® is a Fertility-Friendly Lubricant, that can be used by all couples that are trying to conceive. It is FDA Approved, Clinically Tested to be Fertility Friendly. It is also isotonic, pH Balanced, and contains Calcium and Magnesium ions, which the egg and sperm require for fertilization. Conceive Plus® Fertility-Friendly Lubricant helps to relieve […]
Fertipil Plus for PCOS

Fertipil Plus PCOS is a scientifically designed product which focusses on assisting women in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, better known as PCOS. Common PCOS Symptoms are:- Weight gain Acne Excessive hair growth (normally on face or back) Blotches on skin under the arms or breasts Hairloss Irregular periods The ingredients contained in Fertipil […]
Fertipil Plus for Men

Fertipil Plus for Men has been scientifically demonstrated to enhance male fertility and improve overall reproductive wellness as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Ideal for men with a low sperm count or for those looking to optimize their sexual health. Boosts and improves sperm count. Improves sperm mobility and morphology. Improves spermatogenesis. Boost […]
Fertipil Plus for Women

Fertipil Plus for Women is designed to improve fertility and enhance general reproductive health. Fertipil plus helps to normalize female hormone levels, reduces chances of neural tube defects, improves uterine lining and egg quality and increases chances of getting pregnant naturally. Fertipil Plus for Women contains Folic Acid and 16 other essential ingredients which clinical […]
Folic Acid in Pregnancy
The CDC advises that taking at least 400mcg of Folic Acid during pregnancy in addition to foods that are rich in folic acid, can help to ensure development of a healthy foetus, and to prevent the chances of major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. A woman can start taking the folic acid […]
Supplements for at least three months.

It takes 90 days for an oocyte (Immature egg) to mature to the point where it is ready to be released during ovulation. Hence, for women that are looking for good oocyte quality, it would benefit them to start taking fertility supplements from at least three months before they hope to conceive. Egg quality is […]
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is not really clear or known. What is however known is that many women with PCOS tend to have a high amount of androgens (male sex hormones), which generally should be present in small quantities. They also experience what is known as insulin resistance; the body doesn’t use insulin well. […]
Useful Tips on Getting Pregnant Naturally

Monitor Ovulation Women with regular cycles ovulate about two weeks before the arrival of their period. It is harder to predict ovulation in women with irregular cycles, but it usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of her next period. An ovulation calculator helps a woman to estimate her fertile days, and also […]