Section Title

How do I know when I’m Ovulating?

Ovulation is the release of an egg from your ovary. A hormone known as Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is always present in your urine. At about the middle of your monthly cycle, the LH increases suddenly to...

What is Low Sperm Count?

Low Sperm Count is referred to as Oligospermia.  This is a condition found in men that have fewer sperm than what is considered a normal count.  According to the World Health Organisation...

Cesarin C-Section Scar Ointment

Cesarin is an ointment made from natural ingredients, to eliminate the appearance of C-Section Scars. Ingredients:- Lanolin Grape Seed Oil Sesame Oil Calendula Oil Lanolin Lanolin is used as a...

Ovulation Test Strips

Ovulation is the release of an egg from your ovary. A low background level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is always present in your urine. At about the middle of your monthly cycle, the LH increases...


Prostavor is a dietary supplement that was formulated to utilize the synergistic benefits of many nutritional supplements that have been shown to improve prostate health and support urinary function...

Menopil Plus

What is Menopause? Menopause is a period which all women will go through during their lifetime.  Women will encounter menopause during their late forties and fifties.  Some women will go through...